Thursday, May 29, 2008


So what is the definition of a good employee? Is it someone who dresses perfectly, is at work 15 minutes before everyone else and does everything you say to a "t"? Or is a good employee someone who makes it to work on time and still does everything that is requested of them but also finds and creates new ways to accomplish and complete tasks in more efficient and user friendly ways? It has become my quandry. At my guard post right now we have to check out trucks one after another, problem is that the windows we have to reach through to get their drivers liscense and manifest are too small for any of the guards. So I take mine out, i go from having 7 inches of space to having 38 inches of space. more space means more trucks out the row, more trucks out means more money for the company. Now here is the quandry,

we have a large a/c in the guard shack, the managers of the truck yard are accusing me of wasting their enrgy by having this big hole in their gaurd house, (mind you me first solution was to close up the windows and stand outside but they didnt like it because it didnt look uniform.) And honestly i would turn off the a/c but the dude i work with overnights has a heart condition. and the other guys like their a/c. so im stuck, i want to take care of business and get all my work done quicker so i can go back to the massive cleaning project that i have started, cleaning 4 years of crap off everything that isnt regularly touched. its disgusting. But for now im stuck to my quandry, to maximize efficiancy or to follows the given rules and slow down the process.

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