Friday, May 30, 2008

Theres nothing more calming then a raging fire

Yeah, sarcasm, my best quality. Seriously though last night spent the evening by the lake, just me and heather, a nice sized fire and nothing but the sounds of lovely lake grapvine crashing to its shores and a little cedar wood popping. it was miraculously great, on a night when me nor heather could seem to choose to do anything that didnt annoy the other the idea just popped into my head (with all the spare bloody firewood clammoring in the bed of my truck from weeks ago) and thus we had a fun wonderfull relaxing night with god as out campfire companion. and there was peace. stayed there for i guess about 2 hours before we left so we could go get her car from bennagins, got an awesome free bowl or potato soup while we were there. then after that, you know what they say about married people........we went home went to sleep and neither of us woke up for about 10 hours.

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